After quite a year, our beloved Ladybug passed away on January 18, 2020. She had gone missing when we last visited my parents in AL for my grandfather’s funeral late March 2019. After about a month, we found out that she had been picked up by some well meaning people driving on Hwy 431 the day she went missing and eventually ended up in FL with a Boston Terrier rescue group. After scanning her for a microchip, the rescue group found out she had an owner and was able to get up with my mom.
We were thrilled to find out she was alive, but unfortunately, she was not well. A veterinarian who did an assessment upon her arrival in FL discovered that Ladybug had lung cancer, and they were planning to put her down at that time. Since Ladybug didn’t seem to be suffering and still had a lot of energy then, we requested to stop the procedure to put her to sleep and have my parents go and retrieve her.
Because all this happened while we were in the process of moving to Israel, we decided to leave Bug behind with my parents instead taking her with us to Israel. They have been taking care of her since then, and we are so glad that she was able to live out the rest of her life with people who knew and loved her.
Ladybug loved to nap and be in tight spaces. She loved the couch crevice especially. We often found her in baskets and in piles of laundry. She was very gentle and sweet but also very stubborn and more cat like than dog. I could never get her to walk on a leash! We loved her and all her quirkinesses. She will be greatly missed.